Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Wednesday evening released the list of 85 candidates who will fight the upcoming Jalandhar Municipal Corporation Elections 2024. The last date of filing nominations to fight the MC polls is on December 12, hence, AAP has released a complete list of 85 candidates for the Jalandhar MC Polls.
In the complete list, former Congress Mayor Jagdish Raja who recently joined AAP has been fielded from Ward number 64, while his wife Anita Raja has been fielded from Ward number 65. Aruna Arora who left Congress and joined AAP has also been given a party ticket from Ward number 33. Voting for Jalandhar Municipal Elections 2024 will take place on December 21, 2024. There are 23 wards in Jalandhar's West constituency, 24 in North constituency, 23 in Central constituency, and 15 wards in Jalandhar Cantt constituency. Check the full list of AAP candidates for Jalandhar MC Elections 2024 below-