A day after the Punjab State Election Commission announced the election schedule for various Municipal Corporations and Councils, Congress leader & former Jalandhar Mayor Jagdish Raja joined the Aam Aadmi Party. Jagdish Raja along with his wife Anita Raja joined the Aam Aadmi Party in the presence of the party's Punjab President Aman Arora. Jagdish Raja's wife Anita is also a former councilor.
Congress's problems have started increasing once again. Earlier in the assembly elections also, AAP had given a big blow to the party by inducting Congress's veteran leaders into the party. As per reports, this time AAP has decided to field volunteers. In such a situation, applications have also been sought from volunteers. Recently ETO Harbhajan Singh had said that the party will conduct a survey of the applications and will give tickets to the candidates based on that. As per reports, the party may soon give big responsibility to Jagdish Raja and his wife Anita. Due to this Jagdish Raja agreed to join the AAP party along with his wife.
Voting for five municipal corporations, 44 municipal councils, and nagar panchayats will be held on December 21 in Punjab from 7 am to 4 pm.