Did Bill Gates Start The Corona Virus?

A lot of reports or to be precise “conspiracy theories” have been doing the rounds lately claiming that the “tech titan”, Bill Gates is responsible for not only developing the virus but also purposely spreading it globally to profit from this “pandemic”. Is he responsible for this global crisis?

Coronavirus, Covid19, Bill Gates, Microsoft, Breaking News, Treding News, Covid Vaccine, True Scoop News- True Scoop

If you decided to suddenly ask an individual to name a character who is devious, greedy, super-wealthy, and a typical stereotype of the so-called evil “1 percent” from corporate America with an unquenchable desire to increase their wealth, power, and control over the general masses, you’d expect most people to name “Mr. Burns” from the American show “Simpsons” right…..?

What if we tell you that people find the aforementioned terms apt for defining Microsoft founder, Bill Gates's character?

 Seems absurd, doesn’t it? Well, it is the truth!

 Recently, many people globally and especially in the United States are blaming Mr. Gates for apparently funding, patenting, and spreading the coronavirus and if that wasn’t enough, they also claim that he is going to immensely profit from the pandemic through his ongoing participation and contribution in the race for a COVID- 19 vaccines.

 Through this exclusive T.S.N story, we’re going to provide you with detailed and unbiased information on whether there is any truth behind this news.

 How and Why Bill Gates?

 Out of all the people inhabiting this planet, you’d have least expected to hear Bill Gates's name come up in this conspiracy theory but there’s a reason why it happened. It all began with a Reddit “Ask me anything segment” when he was asked by a user “What changes are we going to have to make to how businesses operate to maintain our economy while providing social distancing?” and his reply of “eventually, we’re going to have some digital certificates to show who has recovered recently or when we have a vaccine, who has taken it?” is what proved to be a spark that ignited the “conspiracy flames”.

 People took the term “Digital certificates” as some sort of device or microchip that will be implanted or rather administered to the general masses through the “Bill Gates Vaccine” allowing Gates to track people through the implanted microchip, and it all spiraled downwards from there onwards.

 As a result, many people in the United States have now blatantly rejected the idea of taking a vaccine.

 According to a report published by an independent source, only 57% agreed to take a vaccine when it came out whereas 19% blatantly rejected taking a vaccine and 24% people were unsure if they would take it or wouldn’t

  In a TEDx talk that Gates gave in 2015, he was heard as saying that “There might be a pandemic coming in the next decade” and “vaccines could be used to reduce population”. As videos of this talk started resurfacing the internet, people started linking his role in participating and funding organizations for developing COVID-19 vaccines as simply a way to profit from this pandemic.

 Users on the internet were seen posting comments such as

 “Since when did he become an expert on vaccines?”

“Since when did he become a medical expert?”    

“It’ all part of his plans to depopulate the world”

“Don’t trust this person. His organization has already been barred from entering India after his supposed vaccine trials killed several girls in India”

 Later, an article came out that claimed that Bill Gates had a patent on the Coronavirus which made things worse for him.

 What’s the Truth?

 The truth is, as per medical experts, there is no way to insert a microchip into people through a vaccine. Such a thing is impossible and neither is there any technology that could achieve such a feat. As far as “digital certificates for tracking people” are concerned, Gates was referring to the system that the UK govt. adopted by transferring all of their physical vaccination data of its citizens online, allowing the govt. to handle these records in a much seamless manner.  Bill Gates wasn’t the first person to predict the arrival of a pandemic, in fact, many “conspiracy theorists” made such a prediction way before Bill or anyone else had. If he had a dubious and sinister plan/ plot, do you believe he would disclose it publically?

 Bill does have a coronavirus patent but it's not of the COVID-19 virus rather of an “Avairian Corona Virus” that had effected certain birds.

 Vaccines could be used for controlling the global populations! According to a scientific study, as the life expectancy of the people increases, the overall population decreases. This is somewhat an inverse effect as per researchers. So Gates wasn’t concocting a devious “depopulation” plan.   

 Bill Gates and his foundation has invested close to 100 million dollars towards the RND of the vaccine. His organization “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” has already given away 20+ Billon dollars towards philanthropic work and has already pleaded to give away 99% of his wealth before he passes away.


Also Read: COVID-19 Vaccine: Demystifying The Facts From Fiction 

On the allegations, this is what he had to say “It’s funny how the person who’s trying to work towards an important cause for the greater good and has already invested a huge amount of his capital for the cause, is being targeted through absurd theories. I honestly hope that this news dies down soon” 
