Bollywood singer Mika Singh recently took a dig at Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi while talking about the late Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala. Mika Singh is famous for singing songs like Jugni, Damadam Mast Kalandar, Ganpat, etc recently gave an interview to The Lallantop. During the interview, Mika was asked about the late Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala and whether he beefed up his security after Sidhu was killed or not.
Narrating his meeting with Lawrence Bishnoi, Mika Singh said, "Yes, I met him. I met him in London. Before London, once there was a show of mine in Toronto. I am not able to find the video now. Sidhu had very little time on stage. Organisers were not letting him sing on the stage. But, he was singing solo on the stage since he was a newcomer. He was singing very nicely and in tune. The organisers kept on saying bring him down the stage, Mika Paji has come."
"I told the organisers to let him sing. After that, he sang for 5 to 7 minutes. Thereafter he became Sidhu Moose Wala, we met in London. My birthday is on 10th June and his birthday is on 11th June. We celebrated together 12 am both our birthdays together. Sidhu told me that the reason why he loves me is because when he was a newcomer, he could have easily removed him from the stage. He was a very sweet and talented boy."
Mika's dig at Lawrence Bishnoi
On being asked whether he increased his security after Sidhu Moose Wala was killed by Lawrence Bishnoi-gang, Mika said, "I want someone come and threaten me so that my security gets beefed up. I am appealing to all gangster brothers to throw something (threat) toward me even if it is fake.
I also want I travel in convoy but no one gives me a threat. But, no one threatens me because I think they all are my fans as I made songs on them as well. For example Ganpat. Touchwood no one has threatened me till now. But if they give me a threat, please give me some money as well as I don't have that kind of money with me. I can only give you blessings," added Mika Singh.