Commissionerate Police Jalandhar, under the leadership of Sh. Swapan Sharma, has successfully identified and removed illegal content from various social media platforms. This action taken by CP Jalandhar, demonstrates his commitment to maintain a secure and responsible digital space for all the citizens.
Police Commissioner Sh. Swapan Sharma has provided details regarding the incident that a F.I.R No.118 dated 10.10.2024 u/s 25, 27 Arms Act and u/s 15, 18, 20, 21, 22 NDPS Act was registered at Police Station Division No.3, Jalandhar which pertains to the illegal dealing of weapons, drugs and other illegal activities. Upon investigation, a total of 204 links of content were identified as illegal, including material involving pornography, illegal weapons, and drug-related content.
By addressing this growing concern of illegal and inappropriate content on social media platforms, the Commissionerate Police has successfully removed 66 links from Instagram and 138 links from Facebook containing illegal content. This step is part of an effort to create a cleaner and safer online environment where users can engage responsibly and securely.
Sh. Swapan Sharma, Commissioner of Police has emphasized the critical importance of these actions in reducing cybercrimes and ensuring that social media serves as a platform for healthy and constructive interactions. He assured that the Police will continue to monitor these online platforms and take strict actions against individuals or groups involved in spreading illegal or harmful content.
The Commissionerate Police has also urged the public to remain alert and promptly report any suspicious or harmful activities spotted on social media. This ongoing initiative reflects a commitment to make online communities a safer and more respectful space for all citizens.