Delhi Metro on Red Alert as tensions escalate between India & Pakistan

India has demanded the immediate and safe return of the pilot who went "missing in action" after the Pakistan Airforce retaliated by violating Indian Airspace and targetted military installations

Delhi Metro Rail, India, Pakistan, red alert, Pulwama Attack, Air-Strike, Indian Pilot- True Scoop

As tensions between India and Pakistan escalated, a red alert has been imposed on the Delhi Metro Rail network. The move comes after Pakistan Air Force violated Indian Airspace and tried to target the military installations. On Wednesday, the air space in the north of the national capital was temporarily shut by the authorities and services of as many as 9 airports were suspended.

A statement issued by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation on Wednesday said, "As advised by security agencies, Red Alert has been imposed in entire DMRC netwok from 6PM onwards today...Under Red Alert, all station controllers are required to inspect entire station premises for any suspicious items/activity including parking lots and report to the Control Centre every two hours."

Delhi metro sees a daily footfall of more than 2.5 million and on occasions where the safety of passengers may be at risk, security is strengthened in stations and on the trains as well. Since the Jaish-e Mohammed terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama, there had been a increase in the hostilities between the two nations. 


On Tuesday, Indian Air Force jets targeted the biggest Jaish camp in Pakistan's  Balakot. Whereas, Pakistan retaliated the next morning by violating the Indian Airspace and targetting the military installations. However, Pakistan's attemp was foiled as the IAF has shot down one Pakistan F-16 bomber, the wreckage fell across the Line of Control. But in the process, a MiG aircraft was lost and a pilot had gone missing. Latter on, Pakistan had claimed that the pilot was in their custody. Pakistan had also circulated a video of the Indian Pilot, who could be seen bleeding and wounded after he was inhumanely beaten up. 

Later in evening, the government warned Pakistani envoy with a  strong protest about the "unprovoked act of aggression by Pakistan" and had also accused them of violating 'Geneva Convention'. India has also demanded the immediate and safe return of the pilot.
