Tips to battle Insomnia which has become a common problem among adults today, read on to find mor

Insomnia, National Sleep Foundation, Health Tips, Sleeping Disorder, Health News- True Scoop

Insomnia is a glamorous term for the thoughts you forgot to have in the day. Insomnia is a sleep disorder which has its outcome in daytime sleepiness, lethargy and a general feeling of being unwell, both mentally and physically, mood swings and irritability. 

According to the National Sleep Foundation, a percentage of 30-40 percent of American adults report that they have had symptoms of insomnia within the last 12 months, and 10-15 percent of adults claim to have chronic insomnia. People with insomnia have a higher risk of developing chronic heart diseases. It really feels irritable to be lying in the bed and not being able to sleep either due to something that over bothers you or simple the lifestyle stress.

It may be due to many behavioral, social, mental as well as genetic causes. Changes in routine like job shift or environment change may affect sleep. Medical conditions can also affect sleep inculcating chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, pregnancy , hormonal imbalance, periods, asthma, sleep apnea, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. The key thing which surrenders a body to a peaceful sleep is a calm mind. A hyperactive state of brain may never be able to sleep.

How to fall asleep?

There can be simple tips to cure the problem. Try to relax the body by doing yoga and daily exercise. Usually insomnia occurs after heartbreaks and failures and to overcome them one must be involved in all the activities to keep one busy in order to avoid thinking about that particular thing. Avoiding too much light in the bedroom can help induce sleep. Strictly avoid caffeine and going to bed without food. Do not resort to alcohol and smoking.

Medical treatments for insomnia include: prescription sleeping pills, anti depressants, sleeping aids , antihistamines ,melatonin and ramelteon.

On a different angle let say that insomnia is just an outcome and patients always blame it but the real cause of the pain is the endlessly disturbing thoughts running from one page of the notebook to another and going on and on till you almost end up evaluating the library and not realizing actually where the whole thing started from. Hence, one must be courageous enough to accept that life goes on despite the problems. Motivational videos and even standup comedy can help forget all the troubles and can provide you a gift of sound sleep.
