Recently, a board with PUMA logo was seen at a showroom in Hyderabad with ‘PVMA’ written on it. The image of this showroom was shared on X. The post went viral on the social media. In the viral post, the spelling is ‘PVMA’. There is a debate going on social media for the same.
PUMA is a German multinational corporation who design and manufacture athletic and casual footwear, apparel, and accessories. It is headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, Germany. It is the third largest sportswear manufacturer in the world. It ranks as one of the top shoe brands with Adidas and Nike. PUMA employs more than 18,000 people worldwide.
People are surprised and confused to see PUMA logo along with the spelling ‘PVMA’. Also, people have started making thousands of speculations. This viral post has raised questions like Did the renowned sportswear brand PUMA change its name, or has there been a major misunderstanding?
This viral showroom is located in Hyderabad, where for the first time the world-famous logo of PUMA was seen along with a different spelling. After this incident, people are not able to decide whether the company has changed its name or this is some marketing technique. There are speculations that former Indian captain Virat Kohli has bought this company as he has been the brand ambassador of PUMA for the last 8 years.
Truth behind the PVMA viral post:
As per Telangana Today, the store in Hyderabad has a ‘spelling mistake’ on its signboard. Someone has spotted a Puma store in Hyderabad with a spelling mistake in the brand name. Instead of the usual ‘PUMA’, the store has displayed 'PVMA' along with the PUMA logo. Ever since the photo of this board was uploaded online, it has left people confused and also sparked a wave of hilarious memes and jokes.