Gurdaspur man distributes money to needy and destitute amid lockdown. Watch video

Ever since the government imposed lockdown+ (curfew) in the state, social and religious organisations have stepped forward to help the needy and destitute in this hard phase.

Punjab, Lockdown Effect, Poor Labourers, Gurdaspur, Man Gives Out Money, Financial Assistance, Top English News, True Scoop News- True Scoop
Many volunteers can be seen distributing dry ration to the needy or providing them with another necessary item for their sustenance. Some of them just serve the community for being in the limelight but a few are those who feel the real pain. 

One such incident has emerged from Punjab's district Gurdaspur's town Kadian, where a man who asked for anonymity, is giving out money to such needy people. Around 8 a.m., the crowd of people gathered outside the municipality, on asking one of the poor workers said every day a man comes here to distribute the money among us, he gives out thousands of rupees to labourers who are running out of money. 

Later. the man arrives at the spot and starts to give out money to those standing in queues. When our media team wanted to take his picture he denied and further said I won't disclose my name. 

The money giver just uttered that I am a Punjabi, a citizen of India, who is here to help poor brothers in such difficult times. 

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