Happy Teddy Day 2021: Here’s why Teddies are so special & the best gifting option

Just like greeting cards, chocolates, flowers; soft toys like Teddy Bear will always remain an amazing gifting option and stay evergreen.

Teddy Day 2021, Valentines Week, Valentines Day, Teddy Bear, Soft Toys, Truescoop News,Punjab,India,Top News,Breaking- True Scoop

Everybody is already immersed in a loving environment and excited about Valentine’s week. The fourth day of this week is celebrated as Teddy Day. Today, couples in love exchange teddy bears with each other to make them feel special. What could be more adorable than gifting or being gifted with fluffy, mush-eyed soft teddy toys?

Teddy bear has been one of the most purchased gift items for ages. Just like flowers, chocolates, greeting cards, teddies will always remain an amazing gifting option and stay evergreen. Teddy reminds us of the carefree childhood we had, of being nurtured and cared for by others. Therefore, gifting teddy toys to someone you love is never a bad option. It is rather a great way to display your love and affections towards the person you have emotions in your heart.  


How does Teddy day come into being? 

It is believed that Teddy Day derives its name from the US President Theodore Teddy Roosevelt’s decision to not kill an animal during one of his hunting trips, was welcomed. In his honour, this soft toy was designed.


Why gifting teddy is the best option? & why are they special?

With innocence embedded in it, teddies are soft, cuddle-worthy and a solid gift item that will make never wither away. It can last for years, being reminded of your beloved all the time. These stuffed animals shaped toys are magical. They can release stress, build love and soothe tears. It even helps to handle fear, anxiety, separation, and the unknown.

Every girl has always loved teddies and definitely has a bundle of them at her home. 

This Teddy Day you pick the right kind of a fluffy bear to communicate your true feelings to the special one along with a sweet handwritten note scribbled especially for them because wishes and messages play a significant role in sprucing up the vibes of that particular day celebration.


Different teddies have different message to convey

Red teddy - Red is a colour of love that signifies passion, the love you wish to convey. It is meant to strengthen the emotional intensity in a relationship. A red teddy will make your lover fall in love with you. 

Pink teddy -  Pink is every girls’ favourite colour and is gifted when you wish your proposal to be accepted. If your special person accepts it, then that would mean your feelings have been reciprocated. Pink teddy represents unconditional love, compassion and affection. 

Brown Teddy - it is the colour of the year and trending now, so a brown teddy bear is the most popular and basic of all. This colour of teddy symbolises ‘stability and support’ in your relationship. Brown teddies give the coffee vibes and look so sweet and satisfying.

Orange teddy - Orange is the colour of joy, positivity, good vibe -- if someone gives you an orange teddy, it would mean that you are soon going to be proposed. It also indicates that joy, laughter and smiles are on your way.

Blue teddy - the blue colour happy indicates happiness. Blue teddy shows how deep and mad you are in love with the partner. To build trust, and show that your love is true, a blue colour teddy is the best option for you. 

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White Teddy- white teddy bear can never be the wrong choice as it is the basic.  You can gift a white teddy to not only your love but also to your friends and family to start a new chapter of your relationship. White teddy toys are beautiful and can be the most simple and sweetest gift for your partner or friends. 

Green teddy - with gifting a green colour teddy toy you can express the intense emotional connection and commitment you have for your love. Regardless of what happens, one would wait for the other and stay together through thick and thin of life.  Choose from all these options and make someone feel loved and cared for today. Happy Teddy Day! Loves!
















