"I am proud to have halted illegal immigration", says Matteo Salvini

On Tuesday Matteo Salvini, Italy's indomitable interior Minister on Tuesday said that he is proud to have put an end to illegal immigration in Italy

Illegal, migration, Italy, trafficking- True Scoop

"You enter Italy by saying 'May I come in' and 'Please' ", said Mr. Salvini in a Tweet. Explaining to his followers that by combating illegal immigration he was also fighting human trafficking and also drug trade, he said, "with the money they make- around 3000 euro for every person they put on the boat-they buy arms and drugs. So stopping the trafficking of human beings does not just mean stopping immigration, but it also means blocking weapon and drug trafficking.... So as long as you keep saying, 'it's the last boatload', the smugglers continue doing their dirty and criminal work", he said in a television show which was attached to his Tweet.

A poll found out that around 64 % of Italians are favourable tp Matteo Salvini's decision to close the country's ports and this preference applies on all social segments regardless of gender, age, education qualification, employment status or religious faith.
