Immigration and Customs Enforcement is using facial recognition to find undocumented immigrants in the US

The situation is found to be persisting in the states of Utah, Vermont and in the Capital city Washington in particular

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The ICE is secretly searching for illegal immigrants who are accessing the driving license in the country. The situation is found to be persisting in the states of Utah, Vermont and in the Capital city Washington in particular.

According to officials, these states allowed undocumented immigrants to get driver IDs. The Associate at Georgetown Center on Privacy and Technology, Harrison Rudolph said that “Undocumented folks are coming out of the shadows in these states to get driver licenses and come into compliance with the law,"

They are never told when they go into the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a license that they also may be submitting their face to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That is a huge bait and switch and it deeply unfair.” 

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A lawsuit was filed in the state of Vermont early this year by an immigrants rights group claimed that migrant farm workers are targeted for expelling after they received licenses.

According to the reports the states allowed the undocumented people to access the permit and obtain driver licenses across the country. The reason behind doing so was to improve the lives to support public safety.

Some activists asserted that it is not fair for the ICE to use the information for the deportation of immigrants. 
