In a world raging with inflation, Hyderabad restaurant provides discount in return of 'courtesies'

Dakshin-5 a restaurant in Khajaguda, Hyderabad provides discounts to costumers who say “Thank you” and “Please”, while ordering food from the restaurant.

Hyderabad, Dakshin5, Food, Hotels Discounts, Say please thank you courtesy discount, Courtesy discount Hyderabad restaurant, Dakshin 5 courtesy discount, Hyderabad News, Trending News- True Scoop
In an ever-competitive and business world, marketing people, who keep an eye on marketing with products and services in order to raise the sales up. However, sometimes businesses forget about bringing compassion into it, by surviving people to their best. Well, a hotel in Hyderabad these days is particularly doing the same.

Dakshin-5 provides customers a discount on the courtesy. All they have to do is, to go to the restaurant and say “please” and “Thank You” while ordering their food.

The owners of the hotel believe that the discount practice would not only encourage customers and staff to be more polite towards each other but would also bring smiles to everyone who is involved in it. One of the partners, AK Solanki, said, “Common manners have become very unusual, and we are trying to bring back that culture in a very small way.”

The restaurant has also put up boards which talk about these discounts. This is probably the first time where a restaurant has taken such initiative.

“The restaurant business is regular and repetitive. Employees are busy, performing innumerable tasks due to which sometimes they cannot serve the customers to their satisfaction. This can annoy the guests. This is an initiative that I have seen in the West. It breaks up the unpleasantness and food will help build relationships and develop a win-win culture,” Sanjeev Kumar, one of the partners, shared.

The restaurant has also launched another initiative under the banner of “Elder the Better”, to encourage elderly people to come to the restaurant and enjoy their meal. If a person eats at the restaurant accompanying elderly people with him/her, the restaurant will give the person an equal discount as the age of the eldest person in the group.

Meanwhile, with the introduction of these discounts in the restaurant, the owners are saying that the number of customers is going up, which suggests that the discounts are working for them.
