Bollywood actress & BJP MP from Mandi (Himachal Pradesh) Kangana Ranaut recently broke her silence on PM Modi and Diljit Dosanjh's meeting. Kangana recently appeared at Subhankar Mishra's podcast ahead of her controversial movie Emergency's release and was asked point blank whether she felt embarrassed when PM Modi met the likes of Diljit, the Kapoor family, Vikrant Massey but not her. Kangana's controversial movie Emergency was released in theaters on January 17, 2025, after months-long legal battle with CBFC.
Kangana has been at loggerheads in the past with Punjabi singer & actor Diljit Dosanjh over the farmers protest. However, after concluding his Dil-Luminati concert in Ludhiana, Diljit Dosanjh was hosted by PM Modi in New Delhi for a one to one interaction. Before this, PM Modi also hosted The Kapoor family including Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor, Kareena's husband Saif Ali Khan etc. Not only this, PM Modi also participated in the special screening of The Sabarmati Report featuring Vikrant Massey. Vikrant Massey was known as a Modi critic.
Below is an excerpt from Kangana Ranaut's podcast
On being asked why Emergency did not get the support of the BJP, Kangana said, "I think I would have felt bad if I had got support from somewhere because my life is such that I have always been on the receiving end. It has always been a lone warrior kind of situation. I haven't seen any favouritism in my life. Even when I was struggling I saw girls dating people and by that getting success. My life is like this only. The struggle is always there.
I was definitely disillusioned at that time. When you are with a party you feel that you are with the ideology and you are making a film that suits your party. I think it's a very authentic film. I became a very easy target for the opposition. They used my film to target the party. Like we have shown the assassination of Indira Gandhi."
Kangana Ranaut on never meeting PM Modi in person
On being outlined about the movie The Sabarmati Report, Kangana said, "I became a soft target. They tried to portray me with the party and the party having the same stand as me on whether it is farmer, whether it is Khalistan, all of that. That's why Nadda ji (JP Nadda) released that statement saying that we do not align with her. This was the first time he issued such a statement. Our party does not has favoritism. Maybe the Sabarmati Report is an exception."
Kangana Ranaut on Diljit Dosanjh-PM Modi's meeting
On PM Modi's meeting with Diljit, Kangana said, "He (Diljit) was the main person. He was at the forefront of the 'hijacked' farmers' protest. He was defending them."
On being asked whether she felt embarrassed that PM Modi met Diljit Dosanjh and not Kangana, she said, "No, it's not a matter of embarrassment. For PM Modi everyone is equal. I have never sat him for a one-to-one conversation. My friends like Manoj Muntashir, and Anupam Kher, we often used to get into talks after 2014 when he (PM Modi) gave so much time and talked about films. I felt like I would also like to sit and have a conversation with him someday. I even requested for it.
"But, it's not like I am disappointed or embarrassed. I am a huge fan of the Prime Minister. I would love to discuss this with him. Even when he (PM Modi) was in Mandi we could not talk. He is a different person. Expecting that he will meet me in a personal capacity will not be legitimate..."
"I think people who have been left behind mentally or intellectually, he will meet and enlighten them.