No 'Happy' Pakistan Independence Day: Countries that got its freedom in same timeline but more developed today

Ahead of Pakistan Independence Day, here is the cuntry's biggest crisis, Inflation, Unemployment and economic crisis as compared t other nations

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The Britishers’ entry into the Indian subcontinent is marked as that of the traders but no one speculated their ulterior motives for invasion. Over the due course of time during their stay, the British were clear in their mind that they won’t be able to achieve what they desire until and unless religious unity among Indians thrives. This got consolidated with India’s first war of Independence in 1857 when the Britisher empire had to incur a much of loss. This was the time when their policy of divide and rule came into play.

The British carried out their trade and very smartly took control of the rest of the country and divided the Indian community into religious lines making the Hindu-Muslim dialogue a necessity of time and rest is the history. The evolution of the Muslim league and Jinnah and their demand for a separate Muslim state was not just a random demand but is seen as a well-planned move by the British to widen the Hindu-Muslim divide.

Jinnah’s call for a separate state finally was a dream come true for him and his followers with the establishment of Pakistan. But what has Pakistan achieved by far since then? Countries getting Independence from the colonizers around Pakistan’s independence or even later to it have made great strides in multiple dimensions of nationhood’s development and have established their position in the global picture.


India got independence from the British a day later from Pakistan. Starting the journey to same as Pakistan India at the present stand as the 6th largest economy in the world. India has earned herself a coveted tag of being the biggest market in the world at the present. Foreign investment in India is coming in at a rapid rate over its huge potential.

India’s defensive prowess is among the best in the world that has been built over the due course of time with imports from global powers and indigenous development. Be it a Space mission or military modernization India is now at par with the major superpowers of the world. India’s choice to remain a democratic setup with its glorious past of political stability has proved it to be among the most reliable partners of the world’s most developed countries.


Israel: Known for its world-class defense infrastructure the Jewish nation started from scratch after the horrific treatment it went through in Nazis Germany. Getting independent in May 1948, Israel has its own identity established in the globe with the education and intellect they possess. The years between 1950-1965 are generally regarded as the formative years for Israel as a nation, from 1950 until 1965, Israel achieved a high rate of growth: Real GNP (gross national product) grew by an average annual rate of over 11 percent, and per capita GNP by greater than 6 percent. Thanks to financial aides from the US. These years the Jewish state dedicated fully to its modernization. The record of which is registered in the pages of history within the form of the 6-day Arab-Israel conflict when Israel took over the West Bank.

In the world Happiness Index, Israel has been at a much satisfactory position of 12th owing to its liveliness and other parameters around human indices. When it comes to Human Development Index Israel is again at a much recognizable spot at 20 among the nations worldwide. The Jewish state has been taking care of it in multiple dimensions, all-round development as many see is now the necessity of the state owing to the grievous pattern of geographical location and the unfriendly relation with surrounding nations. Israel has fairly performed well in fulfilling its SDG commitment and is ranked 49th overall.

Pakistan-South Korea

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South Korea: - Choosing to be a free and democratic state is contrary to its Northern counterpart. With the Axis power losing the second world war Japan lost its control over the Korean island which led to an agreement between the erstwhile USSR and the democratic US to settle for taking each faction of the now divided Korea. Getting independent on the same day as India in 1945 South Korea is among the most prosperous nations right from its technical advancement to military well-being, from its population stability to the economy. Being rated in the very high section of the HDI tier South Korea is placed at a reputed 23rd place. Whereas placed at 27th in fulfilling its commitment to Sustainable Development Goals. South Korea has made giant strides in this case.

Besides, having a rapport of practicing healthy politics the state has fairly performed in consolidating its economy, and it placed at 10th position in the world with a GDP size of 1.64 trillion dollars.


Austria: On May 15, 1955, representatives of the governments of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, the United States, and France signed a treaty that granted Austria independence and arranged for the withdrawal of all occupation forces. Austria is one of the most stable and prosperous members of the European Union. The country has evolved into a major industrialized force with an important service sector. With an overall share of 22%, organic farms in Austria occupy a leading position among the EU Member States.

Austria has consolidated its stance on the Sustainable Development Index being placed at the 5th spot globally with a fine score of 82.32. The same effort from the state has put it found its position 18th on the Human Development Index worldwide. A small state with a little population of slightly over 89 Lakh has a self-reliant military capable enough to safeguard its sovereignty and secure its national borders.


Bangladesh: - Securing its Independence from the autocratic control of Pakistan in 1971 with military assistance from India, the former East Pakistani territory has taken a giant stride and established its position in almost every single regard barring the military in a better place than its parent state. SDG Index or HDI, be it GDP per capita or potential of the global market, Bangladesh has faired well in terms of Islamic Pakistan. Bangladesh’s GDP is more than that of Pakistan with its major reliance on the textile and agriculture sector.

Pakistan’s trouble is not an overnight case that it got through and landed up in this scenario rather it is year-long positional regard that has got it in the state it exists today. Pakistan is celebrating its 75th anniversary of independence but to no avail, the problems for Pakistan are 75 times more than a day to cherish. Political instability with excessive military intervention in power-making has been the top concern in Pakistan’s issues. The culture of elitism is still prevalent in the country giving a propellant to corruption in the Islamic territory. Islamic extremism acts as a fertile and conducive place for the world’s most dreaded terrorists to thrive in the country whose history dates to 1947 since its independence when the tribes attacked India.

Today Pakistan is at the center of the biggest crisis, Inflation, Unemployment and economic crisis are at an all-time high in Pakistan. Overburdened with foreign debts and exploitation of its reserves has deteriorated its scenario. Pakistan will never be able to get out of the position it stands today if it is not working enough to ensure political stability and put a gag on the militancy which is grooming in the region and ultimately hitting back at its national development.
