One of the most awaited series of the year Paatal Lok Season 2 was released on Amazon Prime Video on January 17, 2025. Directed by Avinsh Arun Dhaware, Paatal Lok Season 2 marks the return of Jaideep Ahlawat as Inspector Hathiram Choudhary, Ishwak Singh as Imran Ansari in the Prime Video's original series. Created by Sudip Sharma, Paatal Lok Season 2 is a suspense thriller that revolves around the Delhi Police's investigation into the gruesome murder of Nagaland Democratic Forum Founder Jonathan Thom.
Since you have landed on this page, True Scoop assumes that you have already started to watch Paatal Lok Season 2 and wondering who killed Jonathan Thom in Paatal Lok Season 2. If you haven't watched Paatal Lok Season 2 yet, it is cautioned that this write-up may contain some spoilers.
Paatal Lok Season 2 Storyline
Paatal Lok Season 2 starts with Inspector Hathiram Choudhary of Jamunapar Police Station advocating for a lady constable who is resigning from the Police services. On the other hand, Imran Ansari who was junior to Hathiram in Season 1 has now become an ACP after clearing USPC. The series starts with a waiter at a hotel discovering the body of Jonathan Thom in his room. Jonathan Thom's dead body was found lying in a pool of blood. His head was chopped off. It was Jonathan Thom who brought the Nagaland leadership onto the table for the Nagaland Business Summit. Jonathan Thom was persuaded for this by Kapil Reddy who is played by Nagesh Kukunoor.
Paatal Lok Season 2: Who killed Thom? (Spoilers Ahead)
The answer is Uncle Ken. Uncle Ken who is a senior leader of the Nagaland leadership killed Jonathan Thom by going into his hotel room. Uncle Ken took the extreme step as Jonathan Thom was about to call off the Nagaland Business Summit along with the Government of India which could have generated Rs 20,000 crore worth of investment.
Jonathan Thom wanted to cancel the summit as he was framed by Reddy after a large cache of drugs was seized by the Police in Nagaland. The total cost of the drugs that were seized in Nagaland was worth Rs 60 crore. It was Reddy who leaked the information about drugs to the Police so that Jonathan Thom accept to sit at the table along with other Naga leadership to hold talks with the Government of India.
As soon as Jonathan Thom came to know about this, he went into Uncle Ken's room and informed him that he was going to call off the meeting. Following that Uncle Ken went into his room and slit his throat so that Nagaland Business Summit becomes a success and the state undergoes development. Uncle Ken then called his adopted son Daniel who was also Jonathan Thom's personal security guard. Daniel chopped Jonathan Thom's head so that the killing looks 'politically motivated'.