'Play badminton to fight temptation, say no to premarital..': Hong Kong's new adult education guidelines for teens

Hong Kong's Adult Education Guidelines published by the Education Bureau include worksheets and teacher guidance that emphasise delaying romantic relationships and sexual activity

Trending, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Adult Education, Hong Kong Adult Education Guidelines, Hong Kong Adult Education Curriculum, Hong Kong Adult Education Temptation Badminton Playing, Youth- True Scoop

Hong Kong has courted a global debate as well as controversy after it released a 75-page document that contained adult education guidelines that will be taught by teachers in schools to teenage students. Hong Kong's Adult Education Guidelines published by the Education Bureau include worksheets and teacher guidance that emphasise delaying romantic relationships and sexual activity. It also includes a form for couples to define their boundaries. One of many excerpts of Hong Kong's adult education guidelines that have raised eyebrows is to how to control sexual temptations or desires. The guidelines suggest that teen students can engage in physical sports especially playing badminton in order to overcome the urge. Read Hong Kong's adult education curriculum in detail- 

The curriculum covers five key topics to educate students on- 

  1. Love and sex
  2. The importance and methods of setting limits of intimacy with your lover
  3. Handling sexual fantasies and impulses
  4. Improper handling of intimate relationships 
  5. Consequences of improper handling of intimate relationships

The curriculum advises students to avoid premarital s*x, describing it as 'one form of improper handling of intimate relationships' and says that society 'still considers pre-marital sex as a deviant act and that young people should not have sexual behaviours with others at will.'

The resource describes a scenario in which a young couple are studying alone at home, and suggests they do not act on 'sexual impulses' that could lead to 'more intimate behaviours such as kissing and then they may have s*xual behaviours.' According to the document, youngsters may divert themselves from indulging their desires by playing badminton.

Reminders for teachers teaching adult education to students

The guidelines have two major reminders for teachers. "The study of this module is not intended for encouraging students to start dating or having s*xual behaviours early in life. Yet, it is expected that teachers could help students develop a proper understanding of love and responsible intimate relationships and alertness of the consequences of improper handling of intimate relationships, thereby helping them develop gender concepts that are complete and based on mutual respect, uphold proper values and handle topics related to sex and intimate relationships related appropriately."

"Teachers should build on students’ learning in Module 1.1 “Self-understanding and Life Skills” and the learning points “building healthy social relationships and resolving interpersonal conflicts” in
Module 1.2 to deepen students’ learning in Part 1 “Intimate Relationships with Affection and Propriety” and Part 2 “Adolescents and Intimate Relationships” of this module."

The guidelines also say, "Lovers who are unable to cope with the consequences of premarital s*x, such as unwed marital pregnancy, legal consequences, and emotional distress, should firmly refuse to have s*x before marriage."

What does Hong Kong say on its latest adult education curriculum?

Secretary for Education Christine Choi while talking to a news portal said that the curriculum was aimed at lower secondary students aged between 12 and 14, and aimed to “protect” them. “How do we teach them to take responsibility for themselves correctly, to understand how to take care of themselves and respect others?” Choi said. “When they grow up, they will face a more complex society and environment.”

The curriculum intended to teach young people “positive and correct values,” the education secretary added.
