The Punjab government has approved multiple holidays for schools in January 2025. The holidays for this month include the birth anniversary of the tenth Guru Sahib Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji on 6th January, Monday and Republic Day on 26th January, Sunday. Apart from this, schools will also remain closed on every Sunday (5, 12, 19 and 26 January) and second Saturday (11 January).
This year Republic Day is being celebrated on 26th January, Sunday. Every year on this day school students participate in programs. Due to this, a holiday is declared on 27th January by the Deputy Commissioner and Cabinet Ministers. Therefore, there can be a holiday on 27th January as well.
Apart from this, reserved holidays for government employees have also been announced by the Punjab Government, according to which employees can also take leave on 13th January, Monday for Lohri and 28th January in connection with Lord Adinath.
Additionally, The Department of Personnel (DoP) Government of Punjab, has also officially released the Punjab State Holiday Calendar for 2025, outlining public, gazetted, and restricted holidays to be observed across government offices, educational institutions, and public services. This calendar ensures clarity and consistency in holiday observances throughout the state, allowing citizens, employees, and organizations to plan efficiently.
According to this calendar, on 6th January, Monday, all departments and institutions operating in Punjab, will remain closed in observance of the auspicious occasion of Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj’s birth anniversary. On 13th January, the state has declared a holiday for the celebration of Lohri, which is exclusively the state-level festival of Punjab and on 26th January, India will mark the 76th anniversary of Republic Day. The state institutions will remain close to observe this important day in India’s history.