The entire India and Bollywood fraternity is in utter shock after a gruesome knife attack on actor Saif Ali Khan. On Wednesday night, an unknown attacker suddenly attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife at his Bandra house in Mumbai, due to which the actor was seriously injured. After the incident, he was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. According to doctors, Saif's condition is stable and he is completely out of danger. Saif's maid was also injured in this attack.
A two-page copy of the FIR has surfaced in this case, in which the attacker had demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore from Saif. According to the FIR, Saif's staff nurse Aliyama Philip was also present at his house on the night of the incident. Aliyama told the police that she was sleeping at around 2 am when she heard some strange noises. When she woke up, she saw the bathroom lights on and felt some suspicious activity. Before she could understand anything, the attacker came out of the bathroom and threatened her to keep quiet and not go out. During this, he attacked Aliyama with a hexa blade, causing wounds on her hands.
While the investigation is still on with the Mumbai Police trying to nab the attacker, there are a plethora of questions that have puzzled the fans and as a result, many conspiracy theories are also floating around. For instance, where was Saif Ali Khan's security at that time. Another question is where was the building's security guard when the attacker intruded into Saif's home. One more question is why Saif was taken to a hospital by an auto rickshaw and not by his car. Below is everything you need to know-
How did the robber enter Saif Ali Khan's home?
As per reports, Saif Ali Khan lives in an apartment in Bandra along with his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan, and his two sons Taimur and Jeh. Saif Ali Khan's apartment is spread over four floors - in a 12-storey building in Bandra West. The initial investigation by Mumbai Police reportedly points out that the attacker - believed to have planned to rob the Khans' apartment - entered the compound next to the building in which the actors stay and then scaled a wall. After intruding Saif Ali Khan's building, the attacker used the stairs in the rear to climb up to the floors housing their apartment and used a fire escape to enter it.
Where was the building's security when the robber intruded?
As per reports, Mumbai Police reported that the building lacked both security personnel and a visitor tracking system like logs or anything that could help in the case.In fact, the Mumbai Police did not get any CCTV footage, except one showing the suspect escaping the scene.
However, actor Raza Murad shared that there is multi-layer security in place at Saif's residence, stressing further that it is not easy for anyone to gain access to his home. "There are 3-4 layers of security where you have to sign on the register, you have to write your mobile number, you have to sign and CCTV cameras are also installed. And since it is a celebrity's house, he too must have his own security," the veteran actor shared.
Raza Murad's claims have further raised eyebrows with many sensing that it might be an inside job.
Why was Saif Ali Khan taken to hospital by an auto and not by his car?
Reports further suggest that the domestic help called Saif Ali Khan's eldest son Ibrahim Ali Khan for help after the actor was seriously injured. Ibrahim Ali Khan lives on the eighth floor of the same building and rushed to his father's assistance.
However, since there was no driver at the time and all the cars were automatic, he had to take him in an auto-rickshaw. Saif's domestic help shared, “Family members called Ibrahim. They came up and took Saif to the hospital in an auto. There was no driver in the family at that time and nobody knew how to drive an automatic electric vehicle, so they hurriedly took Saif to Lilavati Hospital in an auto."