Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife at midnight. Saif has been seriously injured in this attack. He has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai where he is undergoing surgery.
The incident took place on Thursday night around 3:30 AM, when the actor was sleeping in his house with his family members. Police said that after the people living in the house woke up and made noise, the robber attacked and fled from the spot.
In the initial investigation, it seems to be a robbery case. Bandra Police has examined the CCTV footage of the incident. Police have detained three suspects in the case and are interrogating them. Along with this, the maid of the house and the rest of the staff are also being questioned.
In the two hours of CCTV footage at the time of the incident, no outside suspect is seen entering the house. In such a situation, it is believed that the attacker was already present in the house. It is also being suspected that he may have entered through the pipeline or the AC duct.
According to a report, the suspected robber entered the room of Saif's children Taimur and Jeh. The nanny who was taking care of the children heard some noise around and woke up. The children also woke up and started making noise.
This woke Saif and the rest of the family up. When Saif reached the children's room, the unknown person was seen attacking the nanny. Saif intervened, due to which the accused attacked Saif with a knife and fled from there.
Mumbai Police said, “ Last night an unknown man entered the house of actor Saif Ali Khan. Everyone woke up after the noise made by the children in the house. The accused was attacking the nanny. When the actor tried to intervene, he attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife. Saif got injured in this attack.”
It is not clear yet whether he was stabbed or injured in a scuffle with the robber. Mumbai Crime Branch is also investigating the incident.
Dr. Neeraj Utmani, COO of Lilavati Hospital said, ‘Saif was brought to Lilavati at 3:30 in the morning. He has 6 injuries, two of which are deep. One injury is close to his spinal cord. We are working on it. He is being operated by neurosurgeon Nitin Dange and cosmetic surgeon Leena Jain and anesthetist Nisha Gandhi. We will be able to tell exactly how much damage the injury has caused to him only after the surgery.”