On 16th January, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan sustained injuries after he was attacked with a knife at his Bandra home by a thief. A theft occurred at Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's house early this morning around 3:30 AM. Saif was stabbed by an unidentified person during a burglary at his Bandra home.
A source has claimed that the actor fought with the thief without any weapon in order to protect his family. He fought and saved his family from being harmed but he got seriously injured as he was attacked with sharp weapons.
As per the police, the suspect entered Saif Ali Khan's Bandra home at around 3:30 AM and both of them had a fight during which the actor was stabbed multiple times. Actor’s wife Kareena Kapoor and children Taimur and Jeh were present in the house at the time of the incident.
Following this tragic incident, he was admitted in the Lilavati hospital. The police started an investigation, and CCTV footage from the area around the house is being reviewed. An FIR against an intruder has also been lodged at the Bandra Police Station.
How did attackers enter Saif Ali Khan’s house?
Sources say that there was a duct in Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra house. The duct opened inside the bedroom. Preliminary investigation has found that there is a possibility that thieves entered the house from this duct.
Additionally, The Mumbai Police has detained three people working in Saif's house. These three were taken to the police station for being interrogated.
Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan’s team has issued a statement on behalf of the actor. The team has confirmed that there was an attempted burglary and it also mentioned that he is undergoing surgery at Lilavati hospital.
The official statement issued by the actor’s team read, “There was an attempted burglary at Mr Saif Ali Khan’s residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing a surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It is a police matter.”
His wife Kareena Kapoor Khan’s team has also issued a statement requesting fans and the media to remain patient. It reads, “There was an attempted burglary in Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence last night. Saif had an injury on his arm for which is in hospital, undergoing a procedure. The rest of the family is doing fine. We request media and fans to be patient and not speculate any further as the Police is already doing their due investigations. Thank you all for your concern. Team Kareena Kapoor Khan.”