In a major development, Balkaur Singh, the father of the late Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala, has filed a case in Mansa against author Manjinder Singh Makha for allegedly publishing false information and using unauthorized photos of his son in a recently released book.
The book, titled The Real Reason Why Legend Died, claims to shed light on Sidhu Moose Wala’s life and death but has drawn severe criticism from the singer’s family.
Unauthorized Use of Photos
Balkaur Singh alleges that the author accessed family photo albums in 2022, during a time of mourning, and used childhood images of Sidhu Moose Wala without seeking consent from the family.
Allegations of Defamation
The book is also accused of making unfounded allegations linking Sidhu Moose Wala to prominent political figures and gangsters. Balkaur Singh has dismissed these claims as baseless and damaging to the family’s reputation.
“I will not let anyone tarnish my son’s name or exploit our family’s grief for personal gains,” said Balkaur Singh in a public statement.
The case has sparked widespread attention, with fans and legal experts closely following the developments.
Stay tuned for further updates on this story.