Aam Aadmi Party had sent shockwaves through the political landscape after Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal had announced the party’s decision to contest the Lok Sabha elections for all 13 seats of Punjab. The party is now likely to announce the first list of it’s candidates until Monday. As per sources, social worker and Influencer Anmol Kwatra is among the top picks of candidates for AAP to contest the Lok Sabha elections from Ludhiana.
Who is Anmol Kwatra?
Anmol Kwatra has a substantial following on Social Media with over 1 million followers. He has also won millions of hearts over the globe in a short span of time with his impeccable social work. Anmol started social work in college. He started NGO called “We do not accept money or things“. It provides medical aides and financial help to the underprivileged.
He is very active on Instagram boasting a following of over 1.4 million followers. His NGO does not accept any money directly nor does it engage in any fundraising. His father is a politician and his early work included promoting his father’s party on various Social Media platforms.
The Aam Aadmi Party is likely to announce the first list of 13 candidates until Monday i.e. 4 March. In the list, our sources inform that it is highly likely that Anmol will contest the elections from Ludhiana. As per our sources, it is also likely that MP Sushil Kumar Rinku will also be contesting the elections from Jalandhar on the AAP ticket.