First Story Positive: Gujarat man makes India's first patented Bamboo chair which can last up to 20 years

Professor Ankit Kumar Changawala from Gujarat understood bamboo's potential and made India's first patented bamboo chair in a span of 2 years.

Youth, Trending, First Story Positive, First Story Positive Gujarat Man, First Story Positive India Bamboo Chair, India Bamboo Patented Chair, Patented Bamboo Gujarat Chair, Ankit Kumar Changawala- True Scoop

While India is witnessing a wave of entrepreneurship, a man from Gujarat showcased how creativity and innovation can make anyone successful. With India rapidly developing in the past few years, New Delhi has made sure that the development takes place with sustainability. Also, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has pushed a 'vocal for local' call, and under that the G20 guests in New Delhi were served food made with millet. Not only this, the newly constructed Bengaluru terminal grabbed global headlines after it was revealed that the sectional is developed by using bamboo. Talking about bamboo, a man in Gujarat has made a chair using bamboo and also got its patent. Yes! you heard it right.


South Gujarat is known for producing massive amounts of Bambusa Bamboo. Bambusa Bamboo is a native species valued for its strength and durability. The tribals of the region take great pride in their bamboo produce. As per reports, Bambusa bambos have 24-32 year life cycle. It grows in erect clumps up to 20-35 m high. It takes 12 years to reach maturity. This variety of bamboo is sturdy and ideal for converting into furniture. However, not many have fully harnessed the material’s potential.


However, Professor Ankit Kumar Changawala from Gujarat understood its potential and made India's first patented bamboo chair. Talking to a news portal, Professor Ankit Kumar Changawala emphasized that the chair can last up to 20 years. Ankit Kumar Changawala revealed that he was pursuing a diploma in civil engineering when he felt that it was not his calling. Ankit got inspired from his professor's brother and thereafter he decided to enroll in an interior design course at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU). 


After completing his course he started teaching in the same college. 


Talking about how he got the idea of making a chair using bamboo, Ankit revealed that he got the idea during a workshop in Manipur in 2019. 'The World Bamboo Workshop was the first symposium in India focused on bamboo and its uses,' said Ankit adding that it changed his thinking towards bamboo and he soon realised that the market was massively untapped. Thereafter, he found a community of bamboo artisans whose craft was fading. The Kotwaliyas in the region are renowned for their skill and it was they who acted as a helping hand for Ankit. 


Interestingly, despite getting the patent, Professor Ankit revealed that he does not intend to sell the product. Ankit clarified that he made the chair just to raise awareness and he spent his own money on it. "There are many companies making furniture from bamboo imported from different countries. If you go online and try to find a simple piece of furniture made out of bamboo, it will be quite expensive. The reason is simple — because they are not using Indian bamboo," Ankit was quoted saying. Ankit stated that the Chair can bear a weight of up to 150 KG. Last but not the least, it took almost two years for Ankit to build and design the chair. 
