First Story Positive: THESE 4 IITians developed a home gym as easy to setup as a TV

Four friends from IIT Delhi, Aman Rai, Anurag Dani, Rohit Patel and Amal George developed Aroleap X, an innovative home gym to allow you to stay fit at your home

India, Trending, Aroleap X, First Story Positive, Aman Rai, Anurag Dani, Rohit Patel, Amal George, Positive News, Motivational Stories, Engineering Success Story, IIT Engineers Success Story- True Scoop

If you can install a TV in your home, now you can also create a home gym. Yes, it is absolutely possible, and it has been made possible by four friends from IIT Delhi, Aman Rai, Anurag Dani, Rohit Patel and Amal George.


These four friends came up with the innovative Aroleap X machine. This simple machine takes up a meagre space 4X2 feet. This machine is a godsend for the people who spend thousands on gym memberships but cannot go due to other commitments or any other reason.


But what inspired this brilliant idea? The idea of ​​making such a machine came came to him when they wanted to make a home gym at home during the Corona pandemic. But they found a significant gap in the market for a product that provides an easy way to setup a home gym. In such a situation, they thought, why not make such a machine themselves.


On the machine made by them, you can do almost all the exercises which you do in a gym. During the time of Corona, these “fitness freak” friends started researching about home gyms. And after about two years of hard work, he discovered a wall-mounted method with the help of which you can do more than 150 types of exercises in less space. It is based on a Digital Weight technology for which they also patented in India. Today more than 300 people across the country are using Aroleap's devices. In this way, this innovation done to improve one's own fitness journey is becoming useful to many people today.
