Twitter Account Verified: Now you can also get ‘Blue Tick’ on your profile like Bollywood celebs

The famed "Blue Check" now has a different ladder for you to climb

Business news,True Scoop New,TWITTER,BLUE TICKS ON TWITTER,Blue Tick on your profile,get Blue Tick on your profile like Bollywood celebs, Twitter Account VerifiCATION, GET Twitter Account VerifiED IN EASY STEPS,Twitter Account VerifiCATION POLICY COMING SOON- True Scoop

Twitter has now made it official for users to become authenticated and receive a "Blue Tick" on their profile. You can now request verification in-app by submitting an application from your account settings.

You'll need to tell Twitter which qualifying category best fits your profile, then choose how you want your details checked before submitting the request.

There are now six different types of profiles that can be checked. Government officials and institutions, companies, brands, and organisations, news journalism and organisations, entertainment, sports, and gaming, activists, organisers, and other powerful people are among them.

Your account should also be complete, which means that your profile should have a profile picture and a checked email or phone number. Before you may apply, your Twitter account must have been operating for at least six months.

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You may receive a follow-up email from Twitter, but depending on how many verification requests are currently in queue, this phase can take many weeks.

Later this year, Twitter plans to extend the categories for verification by providing more choices for scientists, scholars, and religious leaders, according to the organisation.

To apply, follow these steps:

*To apply, the user has to go to their Twitter account through the mobile app or web version. 

*After this, you need to click on the [...] icon. Then go to Settings and go to Privacy.

*After this, you have to go to the accounts. Then scroll down and go to Account information and tap on Verification Request Request.

*Users can submit a request by tapping on Start.

*After getting the ID to get verified on Twitter, the user will also have to give the ID given by the government.

*Users can also give their official website as a reference.

In addition, the organisation has been performing research on automated accounts and expects to announce a method of indicating this to the general public in the coming days. More updates are in the works, such as a about page for profiles, but Twitter says more details will be released "soon.
