India's top chef-turned-actor Ranveer Brar has finally opened up on the days when he went through depression in the United States. Ranveer Brar was in Boston, US when he had to face the lowest phase of his career which took a toll on him emotionally. Ranveer Brar recently appeared in Kareena Kapoor's show What Women Wants and narrated how he overcame depression with one simple exercise.
For the unversed, Chef Ranveer Brar was recently seen in Hansal Mehta's murder mystery The Buckingham Murders. It also featured Kareena Kapoor Khan in the lead role. Brar played the negative character of Daljeet.
'Went into depression after restaurant shut down in Boston'
During the interview with Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ranveer Brar recalled his 'depression days'. Ranveer Brar said, "So, I was in the US. My restaurant worked very nicely in the initial days. Then, recession hit the US and the restaurant shut down. I was 28 then in Boston. Therefore, I am talking about nearly 20 years ago. This was a French Asian restaurant. I never knew how to ask for help. I never failed before this so I did not know how to react to this."
"So, I did not ask for help. I went homeless and slept in the park on a bench. There is a Copley Park in Boston. Then, I used to wake up and think about a way to find a job. I was too hesitant to find a job because my pictures were all over Boston like 'Next Big Chef'. So, I did not want to take a small job," added Brar.
Ranveer Brar reveals joining therapy to overcome depression
Ranveer Brar further revealed, "Then, I finally went to therapy. For four sessions, every time I went there, Nancy was my therapist. She used to give me a big white paper with a lot of scribbles on it. She used to say, here is the eraser can you please erase it? By the fourth time, the eraser was almost finished but some scribbles were left. So, I asked for another eraser. She said this is the last session and all these scribbles which you have erased are part memories and you are losing yourself in it."
"I can give you another eraser, who will give you another you? Then I thought let the past be past and what worse can now happen to me? Then, I started working and today, I have 8 restaurants in Boston," added The Buckingham Murders star.
How did Ranveer Brar become an actor from a Chef?
When Kareena Kapoor asked how Ranveer decided to switch his career in acting from being a Chef, he said, "Actually, I was very scared of acting. I did not even use to act in school drama with other kids. I never even did theater in school. The best I could do was read a few poems on stage. And, then I got a lot of villain roles from South movies 6 years ago.
I did not what the character would do in my real life. I feared if I became like the villain, I would be like that in real life. I was never an experienced performer. I kept on refusing. Then it was Hansal Sir (Hansal Mehta). We knew each other. He understood food. He gave me confidence saying 'Ranveer I see something in you. Do it (The Buckingham Murders)."