WHO: Covax scheme to benefit poorer nations, 40 million vaccines next month

Tedros in a press conference at Geneva said that it is as per the commitment of fresh US administration that could make Covax scheme a success.

Covid19, Coronavirus, Covax, World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus- True Scoop

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization has said that WHO has come at an agreement under its COVAX scheme with Pfizer-BioNTech to supply 40 million vaccines for poorer nations by next month.

150 million doses of Astra-Zeneca vaccines will also be sent to poorer nations by the first quarter of 2021 under Covax, according to Seth Berkley, chief executive of the private-public vaccination fund GAVI.

Tedros in a press conference at Geneva said that it is as per the commitment of fresh US administration that could make Covax scheme a success.

What is Covax?

Covax is a scheme that was started before the vaccines were available and to immunize the most vulnerable 20% people who belong to the coronavirus-threatened poorer nations.

Tedros has earlier shown his anger over the hoarding of the vaccines and said that the "me-first" approach would lead to hike in prices and hoarding. "Ultimately, these actions will only prolong the pandemic, the restrictions needed to contain it, and human and economic suffering," he was quoted by the BBC.

Tedros called for full commitment to Covax- a scheme to share vaccine globally and whose aim is to unite countries as one bloc to negotiate with drug companies.

Read More: WHO head warns of 'catastrophic moral failure' on unequal distribution of Covid-19 vaccine

