Day 1 of the Maha Kumbh 2025 began on January 13, 2025, in Prayagaj, Uttar Pradesh. The first bath started at 4 am on Paush Purnima. As per reports, 1 crore 65 lakh devotees took a dip on the first day at 44 ghats. Flowers were showered on the devotees from helicopters. The Maha Kumbh is taking place in 144 years in a rare astronomical coincidence. This is the same coincidence that was made during the Samudra Manthan. Before the start of Maha Kumbh 2025, a 30-year-old Sadhvi's video went viral on social media, and was termed as 'Most Beautiful' who is attending the Maha Kumbh 2025.
Maha Kumbh Sadhvi viral video also sparked a discussing among social media users. While some tried to find out the real identity of Maha Kumbh 2025, other expressed displeasure over the use of makeup by the viral Sadhvi. True Scoop tried to dig more about Maha Kumbh Most Beautiful Sadhi and it found that her real name is Harsha Richhariya.
Who is Harsha Richhariya?
Also known as Anchor Harsha Richhariya on Instagram, she is a 30-year-old and a disciple of Acharya Mahamandaleshwar. Harsha Richhariya in her viral interview revealed that she chose Sadhutva at the age of 28. Before this, Harsha Richhariya was an anchor and an actress. Harsha Richhariya hails from Uttarakhand.
As per Harsha Richhariya's Instagram profile, the Sadhvi also calls herself a social activist and an influencer. Harsha Richhariya's Insta profile has a whopping 1 million followers. She has been frequently sharing content based on Maha Kumbh 2025 from Prayagraj. Harsha Richhariya in the viral interview also stated that she is not married. Below is what Harsha Richhariya said in the interview-
"I come from Uttarakhand. I am a disciple of Acharya Mahamandaleshwar," said the woman Sadhvi. On being pointed out that she looks so beautiful, didn't she ever think to quit 'Sadhvi's life' and start her own life, she said, "I quit what I was supposed to do and have embraced this attire. I embraced this for peace."
"I am 30-years-old. I have been living a Sadhvi's life for the past 2 years. I feel very peaceful. When you have already done many things in life, like acting, anchoring, and travelling around the world, then you start lacking peace. You have name and fame but not peace," added Harsha Richhariya.
Harsha Richhariya further said, "I am unmarried. I haven't been in touch with my family for a long time. I have not left my family. I have just quit my previous profession. I am from Niranjani Akhara."