Women gang robs hosiery trader's house in Ludhiana. Watch video

Reportedly, at the time of the robbery, the woman was alone in the house, her children had gone for tuition.

Ludhiana, Gang of Women Robbers, Hosiery Trader House, Money and Jewelry Looted, Top Regional News, Ludhiana Crime News, True Scoop- True Scoop
An unidentified group of women entered the house of a hosiery trader in broad daylight at Hira Nagar Street No. 1 on Noorwala Road in Ludhiana and carried out the robbery. According to the information, the robbers made the woman present in the house to sniff on some drugs, made her unconscious and started to steal things. The unconscious woman has been admitted to a nearby hospital. 

Reportedly, at the time of the robbery, the woman was alone in the house, her children had gone for tuition. 

The robbers fled with cash and jewelry. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and started the investigation. 

With such loot in broad daylight, natives of the residential area have trembled with fear. 

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