Women's Day 2019 | Women's Day Special | TrueScoopTV

Watch this special video by TrueScoop News on World Women's day

Women's Day, 8 March, Happy women's day, world Women's Day, English News- True Scoop

A woman is a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a colleague,a friend, a lover and in our country, a goddess as well who is worshipped all across the country.

It doesn't matter how much a woman is praised, words just cannot justify how valuable a woman is in the society. But is there any value of this praise considering the position of a woman in our society?

Very often, we get to see some really horrifying incidents with women which embarrass the entire humanity. From rapes to domestic violence, from eve teasing to female foeticide, from sex trafficking tosocial inequality, women have been degraded socially, mentally and physically.

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If not physically, women get demeaned verbally everyday in almost every cuss word used in Indian society.

Then what is the use of celebrating women's day or the existence of women?

Celebrating a single day for women won't justify all the oppressions done to women. Everyday must be celebrated as women's day.
