Bollywood actress & BJP MP Kangana Ranaut on Friday fired back after her movie Emergency's release was halted in multiple cities of Punjab. Kangana's controversial movie Emergency was released in theaters on January 17 after months-long legal battle with CBFC. Earlier, Emergency was slated to be released in theaters in September 2024 but due to uproar over the mention of Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale and Khalistan, many religious organisation objected to it. As a result, CBFC also denied certification for the release of the movie.
Kangana too to her X handle and wrote, "This is complete harassment of art and the artist, from Punjab many cities are reporting that these people are not allowing Emergency to be screened. I have utmost respect for all religions and after studying and growing up in Chandigarh I have closely observed and followed Sikh religion. This is a complete lie and propaganda to tarnish my image and harm my film."
Kangana fired this tweet in response to Congress leader Sukhpal Khaira's remarks which said, "I support the demand of @SGPCAmritsar to ban the film Emergency directed by @KanganaTeam
a known critic of farmers & Sikhs without knowing their contribution towards our country. SGPC is our elected representative body and @BhagwantMann should take immediate steps to ban the film that depicts Sikhs in bad light and brings defamation to our state of Punjab and its people-Khaira."
Why the SGPC is protesting against the Emergency movie?
SGPC chief Harjinder Singh Dhami wrote a letter to Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann on Thursday regarding this film. He had demanded that the Emergency movie should be banned in Punjab. Dhami had said that the way the Sikh community and their struggle during the Emergency of 1975 has been shown in the film, does not match historical facts. It misrepresents the image of Sikhs.
Dhami also alleged that the film shows Sikhs in negative roles, ignoring their sacrifices and historical contributions. He has appealed to the government to respect the sentiments of the Sikh community and stop the film from releasing in Punjab.
Additionally, letters have been also sent to all Deputy Commissioners in Punjab requesting them to take necessary steps regarding the matter.