After months-long legal battle with CBFC, Kangana Ranaut's controversial movie Emergency was released in theaters on January 17, 2025. Following its release, Emergency Review has started to come in and fans are lavishing praise on the Bollywood actress-turned-politician. While Kangana has stated that Emergency has been released with multiple cuts by the CBFC that was earlier not present, she emphasised that the movie's basic storyline will remain intact. In the meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut's dating life or Kangana Ranaut's marriage has also come under the spotlight.
Kangana recently appeared on Subhankar Mishra's podcast to promote her movie Emergency. During the podcast, Kangana was asked point black whether she is dating someone or not. In response, Kangana asked Subhankar to not ask this question. Again in the the yes or no segment, Subhankar asked Kangana if she is getting married in the year 2025 or not.
In response, Kangana with a bright smile said, "Kyun Yaar (Why buddy)". Subhankar then said that she can simply lift the 'NO' placard and deny it. The actress continued to smile. The journalist when asked if she wanted to pass the question, Kangana said, "Yes pass."
Subhankar then quoted late PM Manmohan Singh and hinted that her silence has answered many things. He simply hinted that Kangana is indeed dating someone and is all set to marry in the next 1 year even in 2025.
For the unversed, in January 2024, Kangana Ranaut sparked dating rumours as her photos with EaseMyTrip co-founder Nishant Pitti from Ayodhya Ram Mandir went viral. However, she put the rumours to rest as she took to social media to clarify that though she is dating someone, it is not Nishant, who is already married.
Why Emergency did not get support from the BJP?
On being asked why Emergency did not get the support of the BJP, Kangana said, "I think I would have felt bad if I had got support from somewhere because my life is such that I have always been on the receiving end. It has always been a lone warrior kind of situation. I haven't seen any favouritism in my life. Even when I was struggling I saw girls dating people and by that getting success. My life is like this only. The struggle is always there.
I was definitely disillusioned at that time. When you are with a party you feel that you are with the ideology and you are making a film that suits your party. I think it's a very authentic film. I became a very easy target for the opposition. They used my film to target the party. Like we have shown the assassination of Indira Gandhi."